Snail Mail Project #8: Cute Smiley Faces Washi Tape Envelope And Letter

Envelope letter set series:

Make envelope letter set easy and quick – send a real mail
Snail mail project #1 – Black and white
Snail mail project #2 – 5 tapes to make colorful party-style mail
Snail mail project #3 – Send a warm Christmas themed washi tape letter
Snail mail project #4 – DIY garden themed
Snail mail project #5 – Mysterious purple flowers pattern
Snail mail project #6 – Piano washi tape design
Snail mail project #7 – Make pink mail irresistibly sweet
Snail mail project #8 – Cute and bright smiley deco tape (you are here)
Snail mail project #9 – Travel deco tape
Snail mail project #10 – Turn 1 envelope design into 3 different variations – final project of this series



This is so bright that you won’t miss this cute smiley faces washi tape envelope and letter.

As I was searching high and low for a perfect washi tape and wondering which one to use, this bright and cute smiley washi tape suddenly popped up.  How could I miss that?

Snail mail 8 cute & bright smiley faces washi tape envelope set | yellow washi tape | washi tape ideas |

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Looking at so many smiley faces, it’s hard not to smile. 🙂

This smiley washi tape is actually a new brand called Somitape.  It’s made in China.  Even though the design is so bright and attractive, we are also a bit hesitant.  Should we press the add-to-cart button, or should we not?

Obviously, we just went ahead and purchased.  As I mentioned in this post, if the quality (usually the adhesive) is not up to par, we can still use it as a smiley sticker.

Say, if you need something bright and cheerful in your journal to remind you to do something, you can use this cute smiley face washi tape as a bookmark.  Just tear a tiny portion and stick it on top of your journal, or at the side.

Cute smiley faces washi tape


Have you ever used any smiley faces?

I personally like to use them in some of the email correspondences, particularly to family and friends.  Since we can’t see each other face to face, it’s another great way to add a smiley to convey kindness and joy.  The smiley is like a bridge that connects you and the recipient.

On the contrary, I tend to avoid when writing and sending formal business emails (not business letters).  Nevertheless, sometimes it also depends on the relationships as long as you feel comfortable adding smiley faces pictures when writing emails to your colleagues and business contacts.  It really depends upon the formality of the emails.

It’s better to use sparingly if in doubt or none at all.


The smiley face you find in this particular washi tape is a standard smile.  I think it’s the safest and easiest to use, right?  It’s friendly, welcoming, and just nice.  If you are not sure which one to use, use this then.

But you can go “wild” if you send it to someone you know well.  There are so many smiley faces nowadays, and many of them are so funny.

Have you ever tried browsing through the cute little faces on your smartphone, such as Whatsapp or WeChat and tried to find something funny to send and had some giggles?  {I raise my hand first}  It’s fun and entertaining!

Since this cute smiley deco tape is already bright and cheerful, I use it as the main focal point to create this cute smiley faces washi tape envelope and letter.

I do prefer simplicity, but pairing it with another masking tape would be ideal.  Luckily the 3mm mt slim tape comes to my rescue.  Keep on reading to find out more…

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What are the required materials in order to create this cute smiley faces washi tape envelope and letter?

  • White paper for the envelope and letter
  • Cute smiley faces washi tape
  • 3mm mt slim tape
  • Envelope punch board
  • Ruler/scissors/cutter/trimmer of your choice
  • Glue



Once you have the materials, the next step is – how to make the bright and cute smiley faces washi tape envelope and letter?

Step 1

The envelope and letter set that you see here is mini size again.  The envelope width is 3.8”, and the height is 2.3”.  As for the letter, the width is 3.3”, and the height is 4”.


Step 2

If you want to cover all 4 sides of the letter, you can stick half of the smiley deco tape on the front and cover the rest behind.  Since it’s a small piece of paper, you could decorate both sides.

Related Article:
Snail mail project #4 – DIY garden themed

Cute & bright smiley faces washi tape snail mail | Snail mail ideas | Washi tape ideas |


Step 3

Find another washi tape, sticker, or embellishments to pair it with.  The width of the cute smiley faces washi tape is a standard size which is 15mm.

Click here to read about the different washi tape sizes.


If I were to pair it with another tape, I’d choose a smaller size in order to have some space to write.

The 3mm slim tape is the perfect one in my opinion.  The color blue adds some interesting elements to the whole design.  The 3mm tape is not as popular as the 6mm tape.  I find it slightly difficult to manipulate the 3mm one because it’s just too thin.

However, it’s useful and practical when it comes to this mini snail mail project.  Otherwise, cut any washi tape you have into the desired size but there’s another step required!

Find out more about the 3mm and 6mm mt tapes in the related articles below.

Related Article:
So, what types of mt masking tapes can you find – part 2



Suggestion: What To Improve On Cute Smiley Faces Washi Tape Envelope And Letter?

To be honest, covering the borders of the letter is just for simplicity and convenience.  If you are not so sure how to position it, decorating the borders can help with that.

Of course, there’s no right or wrong way.  And this is also not the only way to adorn your envelope and letter.  I do hope this inspires you to come up with your unique design.

The last thing I’d like to highlight is the envelope.  Instead of positioning the washi tapes horizontally, maybe it looks better vertically on the left?  What’s your take?


How are you going to re-position the smiley face washi tape?  What other embellishment do you want to add to match?


Coming up next: Are you working too much lately?  It’s time to travel!  Yes, travel is the theme for the next snail mail project.



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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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