Do You Have Time For A Nice Afternoon Tea Or Is It A Complete Waste Of Time?


Oh, just to let you know that this washi tape must have been one of my favorites.  This is the second time I have used it in the same journal.  Here’s the page.

Is having nice afternoon tea a waste of time

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Hope you don’t mind that the same tea and cake paper masking tape by Aimez le style is repeated.  The combination is different, though.  Instead of matching it with a stripe, this time is dots.

Washi tape | Food washi tape | Afternoon tea washi tape | Kawaii cute washi tape |

Aimez le style dot line washi tape | Pattern washi tape | Kawaii cute washi tape |


This particular tea and cake washi tape is elegant and feminine.  Even though it’s hand-drawn, you can actually see the little details of fine china!

I know some people do collect lovely tea sets and fine china.


This suddenly reminds me of 2 things:

The interior design of a beautiful home

You might wonder why I talk about interior design, relax.  Follow me on a trip down memory lane!  Do you read any home magazines or magazines about interior design?

These are also my favorite reading materials.  If I come across certain awe-inspiring houses or design styles that I particularly like, I’d just daydream my future home should be like this and that.

One particular house stands out.  I don’t remember every detail though I wish I could keep that magazine nicely and read it again.  I vaguely remember the kitchen and those fine china tea sets as I’d read that many times!

It’s a beautifully decorated spacious cottage-style kitchen with a modern twist.  If I remember correctly, there’s also a banquette seating in one of the corners of the kitchen.

It’s something similar to what you see in a restaurant.  My favorite seating type!  Don’t know why exactly.  Don’t you love it?

Note: Here’s the link where you can see something similar.  Go to the breakfast room when you are there.


As for those delicate china tea sets, there are pretty much everywhere, including the storage room!  According to the owner, she loves to collect them either for use or display.  The designs are more or less the same as in the tea and cake masking tape above but of course, those real ones are more complicated and fragile.


Tea time

This is actually from another blog I used to follow, but no new updates for quite some time.  Anyway, the mother (a Taiwanese lady) is a thoughtful and considerate lady.  I don’t know her personally but I believe you can tell a thing or two from the blog.

She prepared some delicious dessert and tea and put them in some cute tea sets before her 2 daughters came home from school.  They were so delighted when they saw their small table ready for a surprise tea party!


Isn’t it lovely?  I don’t think we tried that before when we were kids.  We are quite practical people. 🙂

Also check out this post:
Green masking tape – do you know about herb tea?


What about you?

Do you have time for a nice afternoon tea?

When was the last time you had some time off to enjoy tea time?

Do you think having a nice afternoon tea is too luxurious or just a waste of time?

However, if you could do it once in a while, be it at home or some cozy restaurant, it’d be awesome.

It helps to relax, slow down your pace, to give you time to think, reflect and be thankful.

Enjoy your tea time!



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9 years ago

[…] do certain things on weekdays whether that be shopping, watching movies or having a nice afternoon tea.  Why?  Because most people are working while you are enjoying life.  […]