8 Reasons to Start a Washi Tape Gratitude Journal


I’ve decided to go for a short and simple washi tape gratitude journal instead of preparing some sort of personal journal.

8 reasons to start your washi tape gratitude journal

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please see my full disclosure.


This is because…


Our washi tape collection is growing.  We aim to use them all… well, at least open the packages and try out all the types.



The notebook you see here is a used one.  It still has many left-over pages.  So, why not continue using it?  Plus, the paper is thin enough to let your washi tape stash shine through.



One to four different kinds of decorative tapes will be featured on one page.  Not only will you be able to make use of them, but you also get to see which one you have.  Another way to catalog them!



You can design however way you wish.  You can match the tapes by color or by theme.  Or, just mix and match them.  You might encounter some marvelous combinations.



Some pictures from washi tapes can be cut out and used as stickers.   Or, use other embellishments to jazz up the page even more.



This easy washi tape gratitude journal can be applied as a guidebook before moving on to bigger projects like card making and scrapbooking, especially if you are new to crafting.



You can also test the adhesive for the tapes.  Those that I tried so far stick pretty well on paper like this.



I personally experienced some really good outcomes by writing a daily gratitude journal.  It somehow shifted the way I think, for example, being a more happy and positive person.  But I kind of stopped writing when other things happened in life.  Thus, why not continue doing this and combining it with washi tapes?


You can write and journal or simply add some inspiring pictures in the notebook.

As such, my journal is a mixture of quotes in English and/or Chinese, affirmations, and pictures.

However, the details of the brands and deco tapes will not be covered in such posts as they will be mentioned in other articles.

You can purchase some of the masking tapes showcased in this journal from our web store (paused for now, but you can still get them through my affiliate links).

Some are just our own collection.  We will post the links in the articles if relevant.  Therefore, do come back and find out!

Related Articles:
Washi Tape Journal
Snail mail project #9: travel deco tape envelope and letter
Shopping Guide


How does your washi tapes+gratitude journal look like?  Simple?  Fancy?  Lots of text or pictures?  Can’t wait to find out yours!



— Product List —
You may choose to purchase from our Lovingcottage store.  Or buy from Amazon and/or other affiliate partners. Here’s my affiliate disclosure for more info.  Please note that some items are the same while some are not exactly the same but related and/or complemented.

– Click here to find out more products, such as stationery, planners and washi tapes!



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9 years ago

[…] about travels and planners, these excellent washi masking tapes will look wonderful in your journal or scrapbook.  So now, do you have the urge to start planning your next […]

9 years ago

[…] mentioned here, this particular journal serves the purpose of writing down positive quotes, and at the same time, […]

9 years ago

[…] size is thin enough to decorate a small notebook or make a frame in a journal.  Plus, you can mix and match three different slim tapes easily.  It’s all black and […]

10 years ago

[…] summary, this  is more than just a gratitude journal book.  It is also guidebook showcasing all your washi tape collection, be it your favorites or least […]

10 years ago

[…] this is your very own diary, so why not let your creativity run wild?  Mix and match different washi tapes; perhaps you can find the designs that you really love – and lead you to create bigger projects […]